Art Games: Mods - Chris Reilly (2010)
Art Games: Mods
Chris Reilly
Spring 2010
FVNM 4270 001
Monday and Wednesday 6 PM - 9 PM
Film, Video & New Media department
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Art Games: Mods, Video Game Modification, explores the popular use of Video Game engines as environments for the production of New Media Art. Modifying games by building and changing in-game elements, environments and characters presents artists with the ability to create Art Games, Media Art works, performance tools and spaces, non-narrative storytelling techniques and render experimental architectures in 3D. Students will create and design new maps, levels and characters using current Video Games and their authoring/editing tools, and have opportunities to explore their created worlds through real-time performances, documentation and play.
CONTACT: creilly AT saic DOT edu
http://www.chris-reilly.orgLabels: Art Game, ArtMod, Game, mod, new media art