i H4+3 WoW!
Jesper Juul writes in his
"Ludologist blog entry Indie Games (like Braid) are Punk Rock" that we should rly wear “I hate World of Warcraft” t-shirts to exxxpress an anti-commercial digitalPunk approach to indy gaming + (i would add) a critical approach to Art Games, as a hystorical reference to a 1970's punk refusal of the bourgeois values, decadence, scale, supposed grandeur + escapism of 1970's psychedilic, symphonic, prog +/or stadium rock. this hystorical reference is specifically to Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols wearing a handMade/defaced "I Hate Pink Floyd" t-shirt... this is the fast, cheap + small scale commitment to "dirty new media art" that we are also attempting to articulate in various projects such as
jake elliott's "Dirty New Media" presentation @ the most recent (+ perhaps last)
HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) conference, our collaborative projects such as
4RtcR4x0Rz + our open, ongoing + decentralized organization of
(A) r4WB1t5 micro.FestLabels: Art Game, digitalPunk, dirty new media, r4WB1t5