Jodie Mack @ dorkbot Chicago on Thursday July 29th 2010 @ 7pm!
Jodie Mack @ dorkbot Chicago on Thursday July 29th 2010 @ 7pm!
Jodie Mack presents a DIY zoetrope workshop in which we will make zoetropes (both slit and strobe) with record players, motors, etc; a thaumatrope workshop where we will make the actual discs (using drills to make them spin instead of string); and then a digital thaumatrope excercise where we take two unrelated images and explore alternating them in rapid sequences until the viewer sees a combined image!
PLEASE BRING: old cds and dvds, things that have turning motors (record players, fans, drills, blenders, other automata) and strobe lights if you have them! Jodie will be bringing buckets, discs, one record player, one drill, and two motors (that may need rewiring)
Jodie Mack is a Chicago-based artist working in various forms of cut-out and stop-motion animation. She works with young filmmakers and spends her free time making pop-up cards and coordinating screenings and film festivals.
THURS JULY 29 2010
7 PM
Enemy Sound
1550 N. Milwaukee Ave 3rd Fl.
Chicago, IL 60622
What is a "dorkbot"?! The idea of the international dorkbot network is "people doing strange things with electricity" and meeting in informal, friendly environments to discuss their projects. These projects could include hardware hacks, New Media Art projects, creative code, circuit bent musical instruments or wild DIY garage science!