David Vondle demos openFrameworks at dorkbot Chicago on November 19th 2009!
Note: dorkbot is on the 19th this month, not the last thursday as usual.Chicago-based interaction designer and hacker David Vondle will walk us through
openFrameworks with an eye toward its use in computer vision, people tracking and multitouch, and also touch on electronic prototyping for digital experiences.
Openframeworks is a c++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation.
The library is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries under a tidy interface: openGL for graphics, rtAudio for audio input and output, freeType for fonts,freeImage for image input and output, quicktime for video playing and sequence grabbing.
Thursday November 19th 2009
7 PM
Enemy Sound
1550 N. Milwaukee Ave 3rd Fl.
Chicago, IL 60622
What is a "dorkbot"?! The idea of the international dorkbot network is "people doing strange things with electricity" and meeting in informal, friendly environments to discuss their projects. These projects could include hardware hacks, New Media Art projects, creative code, circuit bent musical instruments or wild DIY garage science!