- NOW OPEN NEW MEDIA - courses for SPRING 2013
! courses for SPRING 2013 !
New Media: Crash Course
taught by Nick Briz!
This introductory course focuses on screen-based new media works, their historical contexts, their specific aesthetics and theoretical concerns. Students gain an understanding of the emerging culture and historical antecedents of new media. Interactive, network and web-based technologies are introduced from the perspective of media art making. New media works are screened, discussed and demonstrated.
Prerequisite: FVNM 2000 or ARTTECH 2101 and Co-requisite FVNM 2101.
Systems, Codes & Spaces
taught by Nicholas Sagan!
Systems, Codes & Spaces critically introduces the art of nonlinear media art via an understanding of its historical and theoretical trajectories. Students view and analyze structurally a variety of works in the mediums of video, installation, interactive media, new media and experimental 3D. Readings drawn from Jack Burnham, Pamela Lee, and Edward Shanken are discussed to assess the contemporary state of the field. Students must enroll in FVNM 2100 New Media: Crash Course simultaneously as a corequisite.
Prerequisite: FVNM 2000 or ARTTECH 2101, and Co-requisite FVNM 2100.
and required for all students pursuing New Media Art
in Film, Video, New Media & Animation @ The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
New Media: Crash Course, FVNM 2100
taught by Nick Briz!
FRI 9 AM - 4 PM
Systems, Codes and Spaces, FVNM 2101
taught by Nicholas Sagan!
WEDS 6 - 9 PM
CONTACT INSTRUCTORS for ENROLLMENT by permission of instructor
Performing the Self, Past-Present-Future! NOW
Performing the Self, Past-Present-Future!
w/ Cauleen Smith (FVNMA's Visiting Artist)!
Performing the Self, Past-Present-Future!
FVNMA 4225
Cauleen Smith, FVNMA Visiting Artist
CONTACT cauleen AT me DOT com
for questions and enrollment
Josephine Baker and Rhianna - Red Wine and French Fries - Professional Wrestling and Greek Gods. Outside of time, trends, zeitgeists and images actively sign and signify. Understanding and deploying their mechanisms are among the chief of the powers of artists. Determined Desires applies basic semiotic principles to the analysis of popular culture and politics and from the past and seeks analogous events of the present and speculates the future. Students will form small research groups to discover contemporary analogs for the popular cultural musings presented in Roland Barthes collected MYTHOLOGIES essays (1957). They will present their findings bi-weekly in class using audio-visual media to make their research explicit and to discuss the ways in which their own practices can exploit these strategies. Students will also develop and produce three to five projects using the materials of their choice and choose at least one of their pieces for revision as their final project.
a _new_ New Media Art course in FVNMA!
a _new_ New Media Art course in FVNMA!
Systems, Codes & Spaces (FVNM-2101-001)
WEDS 6 - 9 PM
FALL 2012
Nicholas Sagan
nsagan AT saic DOT edu
Systems, Codes & Spaces critically introduces the art of nonlinear Media Art and provides a historical and theoretical understanding of Digital Art forms. As Jack Burnham wrote in his 1968 essay Systems Esthetics, systems "may contain people, ideas, messages, atmospheric conditions, power sources, and so on". Close readings of systems and processes of interactive, digital and New Media Art will train students in the core aesthetic decisions, structures, strategies and demands of complex Media Art systems. This will involve screening works and analyzing these works through structural considerations of influential projects in the mediums of Video, Installation, Interactivity, New Media and Experimental 3D. Students read relevant Media Art historical and theoretical texts, discussing these texts in relation to projects shown in class. Writings drawn from Media Art Histories, such as those by Jack Burnham, Pamela Lee and Edward A. Shanken; and from nearby fields of research such as Cybernetics, will be mobilized as tools to understand nodal networks and ongoing relationships. Students should be taking Video: Crash Course and/or New Media: Crash Course simultaneously with this class.
CONTACT: Nicholas Sagan via nsagan AT saic DOT edu for enrollment by permission of instructor
New Media courses @ SAIC, next semester, Fall 2012!
next semester, Fall 2012, Nick Briz:
is teaching New-Media: Crash Course &&
Nicholas Sagan:
is teaching a new course: Systems, Codes & Spaces!
New-Media: Crash Course is the 1rst step into the New Media path of the Film, Video, New Media and Animation dept + Systems, Codes & Spaces is a new course designed to accompany yawl on that path:
Systems, Codes & Spaces critically introduces the art of nonlinear media art via an understanding of its historical and theoretical trajectories. Students view and analyze structurally a variety of works in the mediums of video, installation, interactive media, new media and experimental 3D. Readings drawn from Jack Burnham, Pamela Lee, and Edward Shanken are discussed to assess the contemporary state of the field.
New-Media: Crash Course is a studio course + Systems, Codes & Spaces is a course in which New Media Art projects are screened + discussed
currently these courses are still open + available. i strongly encourage you to take them + / or recommend them to your friends who may be interested in pursuing New Media Art @ SAIC
both instructors can be contacted @ the gmails above + their works / projects are available on their sites above
check them out + let any of us know if yawl have any questions about these New Media Art courses!
// jonCates
Associate Professor && incoming Chair of
Film, Video, New Media & Animation dept
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Lindsay Howard! NOV 4 @ SAIC in CHI IL USA

Lindsay Howard!
in person
Director of 319 SCHOLES
ROOM 315 on the 3rd FL of the 112 S. Michigan Building
NOV 4 2011
4:30 PM
Lindsay Howard, contemporary New Media Art curator, is the Director of 319 SCHOLES in NYC. 319 SCHOLES is one of the most important young spaces for New Media Art now in NYC. Her recent curatorial work includes the exhibition DUMP IRL, the AWARENESS OF EVERYTHING (part of the international SPEED SHOW series/platform) and Wallpapers, an exhibition by New Media Artists Nicolas Sassoon and Sara Ludy (a recent alum of FVNMA and SAIC). Howard will discuss these and other curatorial experiences, giving examples of recent projects in order to open a conversation on curating New Media Art:
http://lindsayhoward.netThe Eye & Ear Cinic is a free film series, open to the public, run by graduate students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Works screened include films from the Flaxman Library Archive, works by students and school faculty, and selections from the Video Data Bank, as well as aquisitions from outside sources. Screenings take place at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago:
http://eyeandearclinic.netThe Eye & Ear Clinic is made possible by the Dean's Office, Student Associations and the Department of
Film, Video, New Media and Animation: